Thursday, May 26, 2011


BBQ party just about a week ago.. Yeah, my 1st BBQ with college friends...Here's a thing, we've already arrange the task to each and everyone of us, then only girls that manage to do it well.. While the guys...UH..... doesnt want to talk about it.. Well, Wan had put some effort, thanks the beer and Buntut Ayam...hehehe..^^ In the end, i think its quite worth it, as long as everybody was full, and happy..

The photos that we took using Jimmy DSLR camera was like over 700... Cant believe it, its just too nice to take..

Well, the photos that been uploaded only a few..

 wan and Sir

 me and my dearly wendy

 eta pun ada join tau...

 wendy sama wanda...wenwan..

 gambar paling smart....

 cute kan mas...graphic juga this..

 he asked me to shot him in this 'mati pucuk' pose,that what SENG called it.

F4 wannabe....^^

Fun Day

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

College Moment

Alright..Update Update Update~~

Bha..... i just finished my 1st sem....
Many things happened..
Happy juga lah... Felt like nobody can have the experience like i did..

The moments like study group, then when my friend helped me out on my trouble, powerpoint assignment, drama practice, acting, and most enjoyable is PHOTO SHOOTING!!!!!

We had a friend named Faiz, he is a good photographer..

Here is the photo that i wanted to share.
me and 1st presentation

this is our class on presentation day jimmy

ni si ezrah, wan and nasrul

This is the time when we practice our drama.........

my fav...

This is our drama time~~~ as tomboy..and ezrah as a THUG!

the best pundan i khai

and we got wolfman here photos..

Coming up next will be our class BBQ party,which is on 20 may, hope everybody join.. Well, i have join Miss Earth on 17may, and my final exam was at 18May, wish me luck^^