Greeting from RONALD and FENNIE!

Well, a year had over. Its 2011 now. Quite busy at last month,dint have time to update any blog.
Hm,i spend a lot last month, i mean it,A LOT! haih.. Never mind,so here is
some of the activities that i have done..
On Christmas Eve, i was so lucky that i could back home early on that day. Yups,woke up early to Lido Market and bought some ingredient for family steamboat, i was out of budget because of my friends and my birthday party. I think i already used about 500 there.. zzz.. well..another hundred gone,but its worth it, we had delicious grilled pork and steamboat! I love the grilled pork,but its too expensive,i might try some beef next time.
After that,i joined Mona and Christini to Sacret Heart Church,which i dint go for a quite a while. It was FULL! We had to stand in and out of the crowd. It was not as overwhelming as my Kampung church. Missed that moment! Reminded of the time when our family back to Kampung, then went to church together on christmas eve and christmas, even-though it was in DUSUN, but i dint care much. Open present, house to house visit, ate as much as you can, and sometimes, we will went to our uncle ponds for fishing, and also MAHUA WATERFALL if there is any chances.

On New Year Eve, we were like OUT OF IDEA to celebrate it at where. It was so expensive just for the entertainment. hundred something was gone on that night. AGAIN.
Well, my babe and i, Christini and adul, mona, emilio, erwin, mao, montok celebrated our New YEAR at Edgar, not much to comment, but i hope they will improve their music and life band.
Here is some picture to share. ^^

Love the Light

Adul And Ailing

erm, new year me?
